Broward County’s Sheriff’s office just discovered and saved the life of another hidden motorcycle crash victim. Boca Raton father of five Daniel William Brinson II was thrown airborne from his motorcycle. A witness phoned in the call to Florida Highway Patrol, but the emergency responders were unable to locate the victim. Nestled deep in the bushes, he was nearly invisible to firefighters and paramedics. Brinson only remembers another driver racing across three lanes of traffic and cutting him off. The motorcycle and the rider were finally discovered along a dark stretch of road along Interstate 95 in Pompano Beach.
Fortunately, this well hidden motorcycle crash victim was discovered by an infrared camera which was mounted to the Broward Sherriff’s helicopter, only 70 minutes following this Florida motorcycle accident. Without the use of the advanced technology utilized by the sheriff’s department, the victim may have remained hidden for hours. Motorcycle accidents are known for robbing the lives of hundreds of innocent victims every year. In fact, over 80% of all motorcycle accidents either result in serious injury or death.
Call Law Office of David Benenfeld for a FREE consultation with a South Florida motorcycle accident attorney to help you with your claim. Call: 954-677-0155.
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