Because nursing homes are required to keep record of every dose of medication that is given out to patients, you can ask to see the medication log that relates to your grandmother’s medication. When the log shows medication used as needed, you can look at the refill history and compare that to the number of doses given.
If you are concerned that someone at the nursing home is overdosing your grandmother, giving her the wrong medication or not giving her the correct dosage of medication, you can talk to the staff or the nursing home director about your concerns. The director should look into your concerns and answer your questions. However, you may need to turn to a nursing home abuse lawyer if your grandmother suffered injuries as a result of medication errors.
For a free consultation about your potential case, contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 866-9 HELP NOW or (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515 to speak with an experienced South Florida nursing home abuse lawyer.
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