Perpetrators of financial exploitation of nursing home residents come in surprising forms. If you have a loved one in a Broward County nursing home, you’d be wise to keep a closer eye on with whom they interact. You may be closer with the perpetrator than you realize.
- Most perpetrators are unsuspecting family members whom “offer” to take care of the older adult: sons, daughters, grandchildren, in-laws, nieces, and nephews.
- Family who stake their claim (i.e. inheritance), before death. These individuals feel a sense of entitlement and try to collect—often robbing the senior citizen of money necessary for costly nursing care expenses.
- Friends or family who harbor old wounds seek financial exploitation as payment for wrongs in the relationship (e.g., business partners or children who were not “given” the business).
- Relatives, new friends, or companions who profess their “love” for the nursing home resident are likely to have an ulterior motive.
- Nursing home staff or caregivers who make greater efforts to gain trust and intimacy by doing acts of kindness will gain easy access to their financials.
Contact our offices if you feel your elderly loved one is a victim of financial exploitation. We can help you file a lawsuit against the appropriate parties.
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