Broward County cyclists frequently make innocent mistakes when involved in an accident with another vehicle. After cyclists get in an accident, they should NEVER make these common mistakes:
- Never remain silent. Cyclists are well respected for being tough and not complaining. Remember to speak up, report the accident, and call for help!
- Never accept ignorance from police. More often than not, police are known for not defending the rights of cyclists because they are ill-informed of the law as it related to bicyclists.
- Never negotiate. Cyclists would be best to not negotiate with the vehicle driver or insurance claim agent until speaking with a Florida Bicycle Accident attorney first.
- Never play it down. Just because cyclists have thick skin doesn’t mean they should take blame for the accident or injury. Research continues to prove, bicycle accidents are usually the fault of the vehicle driver.
Contact a South Florida Bicycle Accident Attorney to assist you achieving a successful claim for your bicycle accident injury. Call Law Office of David Benenfeld for a FREE consultation to help you with your claim. Call: 954-677-0155.
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