Question: My brother was driving his motorcycle when he got in a bad accident in Broward County last week. He’s laid up in the hospital with serious injuries. The police report shows that my brother was at fault, but he says the brakes went out on his motorcycle. Do you know if he has any recourse if the motorcycle was defective?
Answer: Your description of the accident report assuming that a motorcyclist is to blame is not altogether uncommon. It takes an expert motorcycle attorney to determine all of the facts involved in your brother’s case.
Although the federal law holds motorcycle manufacturers responsible for injuries sustained as a result of malfunction and or defective parts, companies don’t always step up to the plate and do the right thing. Don’t be intimidated by large motorcycle companies. The law is on your side, if in fact the accident is due to a defective motorcycle malfunction, such as brake failure.
Contact your Broward County motorcycle accident attorney to assist you achieving a successful claim for your injury. Call Law Office of David Benenfeld for a FREE consultation to help you with your claim. Call: 954-677-0155.
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