Doctors and pharmacists have to adhere to a duty of care. When they make medication mistakes, they can be liable for the damages and losses you incurred. If your mother’s overdose was caused because the doctor or pharmacist ordered or filled the wrong dosage of drug, you can seek justice.
A doctor could be liable for a wrongful death in Florida if he or she prescribed the wrong medication or dosage, selected the wrong drug from the computer drop down list, or failed to check your mother’s current medications for drug interactions. However, the pharmacist could also be liable.
Pharmacists have a duty to check the prescription the doctor ordered. This means that pharmacists have to check the medication against other drugs the patient is taking and rely on their knowledge to determine if the wrong dosage was selected. The doctor could have done everything right, and the pharmacist or pharmacy tech could have been the one to make a mistake.
Unfortunately, medication mistakes at pharmacies occur more than people realize. For example, grams are mistaken for milligrams, or the wrong dosage might be filled because a decimal point is missed. When pharmacists fail to double check prescriptions for accuracy before medications leave the pharmacy, pharmacists and pharmacies could be liable.
In order to determine the cause of your mother’s passing, you should speak with an experienced South Florida wrongful death attorney to find out which party might be liable in your case. Call the Law Offices of David Benenfeld for a free consultation at (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515 today.
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