Yes. You can always file a personal injury lawsuit against a negligent driver for an injury that causes you to miss work and lose out on income. There is no injury too small when lost income is involved. This is because any injury you suffer that causes you the inability to perform your job tasks and collect a living is an injury you need to collect damages.
Lost income is one the main reasons to bring a personal injury lawsuit. While lawsuits also serve to bring justice, they are a way for victims to collect damages that they shouldn’t have had to suffer in the first place. Since you already had to suffer an injury, you shouldn’t be left to suffer financially as well.
For help pursuing your personal injury claim against the other side, call a trusted injury attorney in South Florida. You can reach the Law Offices of David Benenfeld for a complimentary consultation at 866-9 HELP NOW or 866-943-5766.
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