A: The Social Security Administration does recognize neuropathy as a factor that can cause someone to become disabled. To determine if you will qualify for disability benefits in Florida, an examiner will look at your claim and medical records for evidence to support the neuropathy along with other disorders.
This is why it is important to work with a Social Security disability attorney in South Florida prior to submitting a neuropathy claim. A disability attorney will be able to review your medical records to see if you have enough evidence to submit a claim. If not, the attorney will develop a strategy plan to help you get the benefits you deserve.
Getting approved for SSI or SSDI benefits in Florida can be tough if you do not know how to interpret the guidelines on the Social Security disability application. It is especially important that for a neuropathy claim an experienced South Florida disability attorney look at your application before you submit it. An attorney skilled in Social Security disability benefits can help you support your claim and make the strongest package possible in order to help get you the benefits you deserve.
To contact a trusted and skilled Broward County disability attorney to help you file your neuropathy claim or appeal a denied claim, please call the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515 to speak with an attorney in a free consultation today.
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