Yes and No. Broward County bicyclists often have the right-of-way, but not always. On crosswalks, pedestrians have the right of way over bicyclists. In regard to pedestrians, bicyclists will not be granted the same rights since they are expected to yield to anyone on foot.
When bicyclists are involved in a car accident, they are expected to follow the same rules of the road as other drivers. When someone rides their bicycle on the roadway, they are considered a “vehicle” and must adhere to applicable traffic laws. It is essential for bicyclists to know the rules and follow them. At the same time, car drivers are expected to adhere to rules and not pressure cyclists off the road.
If you have been injured in a bicycle accident either involving a pedestrian or car, it is important to contact a Broward County Bicycle Accident Attorney who can help define and protect your rights. Contact the Law Office of David Benenfeld for a FREE consultation to help with your claim. Call: 954-677-0155.
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