Yes. Bicycle helmets have been shown to reduce head and brain injuries in Florida bicycle accidents. Some studies and research indicates that as many as 75 to 85 percent of cycling-related head and brain injuries could be prevented with the use of a bicycle helmet. And according to the National Injury Prevention Foundation, up to 88 percent of critical brain injuries could have been prevented by wearing a bicycle helmet.
While there is still a small percentage that a cyclist could suffer a brain injury even with a bicycle helmet on, this typically occurs in very serious and even fatal crashes when high speeds are involved. However, deadly bicycle accidents are often crashes that involve cyclists without bicycle helmets being worn. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 91 percent of cyclists killed in 2009 were not wearing their helmets.
In order to prevent brain injuries, bicyclists need to wear properly fitting bicycle helmets every time they ride their bikes. Additionally, cyclists should obey all the road rules, ride in the same direction as traffic, ride as far to the right as possible or in a bike lane, wear bright clothing and reflective gear, stop at all stop signs and red lights, use hand signals when turning, and equip bikes with the proper headlights, taillights, and reflectors.
By following these safety tips and wearing a helmet, you can help reduce your chances of suffering a brain injury or other serious injuries in a bicycle crash. However, even if you wore your bicycle helmet and still suffered some type of injury as a result of a driver’s negligence, you should contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld today to speak with a South Florida injury lawyer. You can reach our office at (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515for a complimentary consultation today.
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