We believe all brain injuries are severe and can cause lifelong damages. As a result, we stand up for victims of motorcycle accidents who have suffered mild traumatic brain injuries as well as those who have suffered disabling injuries. While some lawyers don’t take mild traumatic brain injury cases because they know insurance adjusters don’t view these cases as serious injuries, we are willing to stand up to the insurance company and explain why mild traumatic brain injuries are real injuries that need just compensation.
Insurance companies sometimes won’t even settle mild traumatic brain injury cases because they believe the injury doesn’t exist anymore and because they don’t want to have to pay for future medical care. Because of this, you need a lawyer on your side who is familiar with brain injury cases and knows how to stand up to insurance companies.
To speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, you should contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld. We know the severity of mild traumatic brain injuries, and we are prepared to fight the insurance company for justice and just compensation. Call us for a free consultation today at 866-9 HELP NOW or (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515.
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