There are many good bus companies that follow the federal guidelines, hours-of-service rules, and make sure their buses are well-maintained and serviced regularly. However, there are many motorcoach companies that don’t enforce the laws set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). As a result, they allow their drivers to drive too many hours, load too many passengers—overloading their buses—and fail to maintain their buses.
For these reasons, it is critical to your safety to look into the bus company before selecting one to ride in. There are several things you can research before purchasing a bus ticket, including:
- Safety rating. Bus companies are reviewed by FMCSA. It is wise to look into the bus company’s performance history before taking a ride on that bus. If a bus company has a conditional or unsatisfactory rating, you should continue your search for a better bus company.
- Insurance coverage. It is important that if you are traveling on a bus between states that the bus company you choose carries insurance with a minimum coverage of $5 million. You can ask the bus company about their insurance policy before stepping aboard the bus. This is important in the event of a bus crash.
- Consumer complaints. You can check to see if a bus company has any complaints from consumers by checking with FMCSA’s hotline at 1-888-DOT-SAFT (1-888-368-7238)
Even if you have done your homework and picked a good bus company to travel with, there is still a chance for a collision. If you were injured in a Florida bus crash, you may have a claim against the bus company. For help pursuing your legal rights, contact a knowledgeable South Florida accident attorney at the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 866-9-HELP NOW or 866-943-5766 for a free consultation today.
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