South Floridians who have sustained a traumatic brain injury may be unable to continue working for various reasons, depending on the severity of their symptoms. It is crucial that TBI patients seek experienced legal advice from a Broward County Social Security Disability attorney to help expedite the success of their claim.
In order to prove one’s disability, the applicant must be able to present medical evidence to the Social Security Administration (SSA). If the TBI symptoms match those of cerebral trauma, such as seizure disorders and strokes, then they will be automatically approved for benefits.
If a traumatic brain injury applicant is denied, then a qualified attorney can help. When the TBI patient does not have symptoms that match those that are needed to qualify, but is still unable to work, then Social Security will conduct further assessment to determine your residual capacity.
To achieve the success you are looking for in your Social Security disability claim, contact the Law Office of David Benenfeld for a FREE consultation to help you with your claim for Social Security benefits in Florida. Call:(561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515.
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