Question: Recently, my son was severely injured from a bicycle accident at a local Broward County park. Following the accident, he was rushed by ambulance, and I met him at the hospital. I later found out that he had flipped forward when his tire got stuck in a pothole. Do you know if the city is liable for the bicycle accident?
Answer: Sadly, your description is not entirely unfamiliar to stories told of countless individuals who ride their bicycles around Broward County. Despite the meticulous caution that cyclists may assume, many of the bicycle accidents are caused from dangerous road conditions.
When a bicycle accident is serious, the local police may be called to the scene. Typically, when this occurs, officers are prone to place blame on the individual, rather than investigate what lead up to the accident. In fact, in over 90% of the police reports for bicycle accidents involving dangerous road conditions strictly hold the individual at fault. However, the government entity is actually held responsible for maintaining the proper road conditions for motorists and cyclists.
Contact your Broward County Bicycle Accident Attorney to assist you achieving a successful claim for your injury. Call Law Office of David Benenfeld for a FREE consultation to help you with your claim. Call: (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515.
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