Many people do not realize this fact, but the single most common location in which car accidents occur in Florida and throughout the nation is at intersections. Intersections are in fact where approximately one-third of all collisions in the U.S. happen, and according to Driving Institute of America, intersections account for over 40% of all traffic fatalities.
Why are intersections the most dangerous area on the road?
Intersections are dangerous due to drivers making turns, drastically changing speeds, stopping rapidly, running red lights, as well as the other obvious dangers such as traffic lanes crossing and intersecting.
When intersection accidents occur, it is typically because drivers have failed to yield the right of way, drove through a red light or stop sign, acted aggressively, or failed to pay attention to the traffic light at all.
Dangerous Intersections in Florida
State Farm develops an index list of the 10 “Most Dangerous” Intersections in the U.S, and the number one most dangerous intersection on their list happens to be in Florida. The intersection at Flamingo Road and Pines Boulevard in Pembroke Pines, Florida has been dubbed the most dangerous intersection in this nation. In fact, State Farm estimated that there were 357 accidents at this location in a two-year period.
Analysts have concluded that the reason why this intersection is do dangerous is due to the heavy traffic volume it receives on a daily basis. According to State Farm safety engineer John Nepomuceno, the intersection handles about 200,000 vehicles daily, and he indicated that the heavy traffic volume coupled with driver error were the top factors that led to these Florida crashes at this intersection.
How a Personal Injury Lawyer in South Florida Can Help You
If you have been involved in a South Florida intersection accident cause by a negligent or aggressive driver, you need to seek legal advice to find out about your rights. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and more. Call to speak with an experienced accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale today at the Law Office of David Benenfeld at (954) 677-0155. We will provide you with a free, no obligation legal consultation, and our FREE book: Secrets Exposed – 7 Deadly Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Auto Accident Case.
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