As summer is approaching, it is a good time for parents to get the family’s bicycles ready to ride. Because children are out of school for the summer and many more people ride their bikes during the summertime, spring is the best time to prepare for the ride ahead.
Not only should you get out the bicycles to look at the tires and make sure they are properly inflated, but you need to check that the handlebars are securely fastened and the brakes are working properly. It is also a good idea to have your kids sit on their seats so that you can adjust the seat height for your growing children.
After going over the bike carefully, you should have a talk with your children about bicycle safety. Even if you think your son or daughter already knows how to ride a bike safely, it never hurts to remind children of safe bicycle road rules, such as:
- Always wear a bicycle helmet and adjust the straps to make sure it fits snugly
- Wear bright colored clothing to be visible to motorists
- Use bike paths when they are available
- Ride as close to the right side of the road
- Ride in a single file line
- Ride with the flow of traffic and not against it
- Look both ways before crossing any street
- Obey stop signs and traffic lights
- Never carry someone else on the handlebars
- Always ride with two hands on the handlebars
- Don’t listen to an iPod or headphones while riding
- Don’t talk on a cell phone or ride distracted
- Always be alert while riding so you can hear cars approaching
Although you cannot be with your children all the time or stop a South Florida bike crash from happening to your kids, you can help reduce their chances of a crash by discussing the above safety tips. If your child has been harmed in a bicycle accident in Broward County as a result of a careless driver, call the Law Office of David Benenfeld immediately at (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515A South Florida injury lawyer will meet with you in a free consultation and make sure your rights are maintained and help you seek justice.
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