South Florida is a motorcycle enthusiast’s dream. The flat terrain, beautiful scenery, wide roads on a grid pattern, and sunny weather provide an ideal environment for riding a motorcycle. While you might enjoy the sound of the wind rushing past your ears, you probably have at least one family member who worries every time you ride away on your motorcycle, even though you always wear a helmet. In fact, both of you have a point. Wearing appropriate safety gear and obeying traffic safety laws go a long way as far as preventing motorcycle accidents. Conversely, motorcycles offer the rider very little protection in an accident. You are likely to get more seriously injured in a motorcycle accident than you would if you had been in a car traveling at the same speed. If you have suffered severe injuries in a motorcycle accident, contact a South Florida motorcycle accident lawyer.
Florida Motorcycle Accident Statistics
The Florida Department of Transportation has published a Motorcycle Safety Strategic Plan to reduce the frequency and severity of motorcycle accidents in Florida. The data from its most recent annual report comes from 2017.
- According to the report, only three other states had more motorcycle accidents in 2017 than Florida. The fact that all seasons are appropriate for motorcycle riding probably contributed to this fact, since in many states, there are far fewer motorcycles on the road in the winter months.
- 590 people died in motorcycle accidents in Florida in 2017, which is 75 more than the number of motorcycle-related fatalities for 2016. 70 percent of the victims were driving the motorcycle at the time of the accident, and 30 percent were passengers.
- Motorcycle accident fatalities have increased every year for the past few years, whereas the total number of traffic accident fatalities has been decreasing.
- On average, the injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents are much more severe than those resulting from car accidents. In 2017, the average cost of medical treatment for car accident injuries was $4,702, but the average cost of motorcycle accident injury treatment was $77,529. The good news is that 83 percent of motorcycle accident injury patients in 2017 had health insurance, but the bad news is that, even with insurance, the patients had to cover about half of the costs of their treatment.
- Young adults account for the majority of injured motorcycle riders; more than half were 35 or younger. The median age for people killed in motorcycle accidents in 2017 was 40.
- One out of five motorcycle accidents with injuries involved a brain injury, and an even greater share involved bone fractures.
Reach Out to an Attorney Today for Help
Motorcycle accidents can be very physically and financially painful, even if you have health insurance. A South Florida motorcycle accident injury lawyer can help you recover damages for the financial losses resulting from your accident; these losses are not limited to your medical bills, but can also include lost income and noneconomic damages. Contact a Sunrise motorcycle accident attorney at the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld to discuss your motorcycle accident case.
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