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Many Florida Truck Accidents Are Caused By Blind Spots

The reality is that truck accidents can be catastrophic and have devastating outcomes for people in smaller vehicles. While we typically focus on what truck drivers do that pose dangers to motorists on the road, in this article we are going to discuss the things you might do when sharing the road with a large truck that can put you in danger.

Although truck drivers need to be constantly aware of traffic and drivers in the front and rear and on their left and right, commercial trucks have large blind spots. This means that motorists shouldn’t travel in a truck’s blind spot, as it could increase the chance of being in a truck crash. So here’s what you should know:

  • Don’t hang out in trucks’ blind spots. This means that you shouldn’t sit on the left or right side of the truck for very long.

  • Understand the “No-Zones” and avoid traveling in them.

  • If you cannot see the truck driver in his mirrors, chances are he cannot see you.

  • Only pass a semi truck on the left; never on the right.

  • Don’t tailgate a truck or cut a trucker off. Make sure you give a truck enough room to merge, turn, or stop.

While all of these tips can help reduce your chances of being in a truck crash, it is most important that you learn where the No-Zones or blind spots are on a large commercial truck and avoid driving in them. The blind spots are located directly behind the truck and on the two sides of the truck.

If you are hanging out in a truck’s blind spot, you might not see a truck driver turn on his signals. Additionally, a truck driver might not think anyone is there and may decide not to signal his intentions. Either way, driving in a truck’s blind spot may put you at risk for a truck moving over into your lane and causing you to crash.

By making sure you don’t drive in the blind spots of a tractor trailer, 18 wheeler, semi truck, or big rig, you can reduce your chances of being injured in a Florida truck accident. However, there are still dangerous truck drivers on the road who drive recklessly. If you believe you were a victim of a truck accident that was caused by no fault of your own, please contact a South Florida accident attorney today.

At the Law Offices of David Benenfeld, we can provide you with a free consultation and teach you about your legal rights. Call: 954-677-0155 today. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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