Over one million individuals are currently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD), and at least 50,000 new cases are being diagnosed every year. Parkinson’s is a terminal condition that attacks the brain and nervous system of countless Florida residents who find themselves frustrated with the often debilitating side effects. In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that Parkinson’s is ranked 14th in the list of leading causes of death in the United States.
Common Parkinson’s symptoms include:
- Shaking/tremors-chin, lips, hands, arms, or legs
- Rigidity/stiffness-causing fatigue and achiness
- Slow Movement-difficult to get up from seat or bed
- Weak Facial Muscles-makes talking and swallowing more difficult
- Poor Balance-shuffling steps and problems walking
After experiencing serious symptoms that may feel like a huge inconvenience to one’s lifestyle, patients often go through a myriad of emotions. If you have a loved one who has Parkinson’s disease, you are likely concerned that the individual will at some point be unable to talk, walk, or take care of himself.
Emotional Affects of Parkinson’s Diagnosis
1. Denial-if a patient has mild symptoms, he or she may refuse to take meds.
2. Discouragement-patients may get frustrated over diagnosis and asking “why me?”
3. Conflict within family about roles-when a patient has to shift allowing others to care for him or her.
4. Change of personal identity-patient learns to cope with new identity and seek help and support from others within the Parkinson’s community.
5. Control-patient learns to adapt to changes in Parkinson’s lifestyle and decides to cooperate with medical treatment.
Often, a person diagnosed with Parkinson’s may continue to try to work, even when it’s beyond his or her ability only because he or she doesn’t realize that South Florida Social Security disability benefits are available to them. Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld for a free legal consultation to determine if you have a case. Call (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515.
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