There are many features to look for when shopping for an automobile. The car you choose can help prevent serious injuries if you are involved in an auto accident. Recently, many auto manufacturers have been stepping up the efforts to produce safer automobiles. A large number of these manufacturers are now going beyond the minimum Federal standards and are designing vehicles that incorporate crash protection and various safety features.
You may be asking yourself, “Can one automobile keep me safer in an auto accident than another?” The answer is yes. Side air bags, advanced air bag systems and tire pressure indicators are among the many new features that offer additional security for the driver and passengers.
The National Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) firmly believes that side air bags can help prevent injuries. These air bags provide protection for the head and chest and the NHTSA estimates that between 700 to 1,000 lives can be saved each year in side-impact car crashes. Advanced frontal air bag systems also offer protection and are now mandatory as of September 1, 2006.
Tire failure causes devastating crashes every year. Most often, tire failure is a result of under-inflated tires. Tire pressure indicators monitor the tire pressure and alert the driver when the pressure is low. If the driver takes action, the risk of an auto accident caused by a tire blowout or other failure can be reduced.
When you are in the market to purchase a new vehicle, it would be wise to consider these important safety features. For more information regarding vehicle safety, read the informative article “Choosing A Safe Automobile.”
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