There are a lot of hazards you face every day regardless of your occupation. When your job is construction however, it can get extremely hazardous. You’re surrounded by heavy equipment, you may be working off the ground, and you’re carrying heavy loads through less than desirable conditions. You know your job so you carry on, but you still deserve to have every possible precaution there for you.
Even with that, accidents will happen. It’s part of the trade. When they do happen, you need to know your workers’ compensation rights. Your first right is that your workplace should be free of hazards and reasonably safe.
Should you get hurt, most likely you’ll be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. The only thing you need to prove is that you were in fact, injured and that it happened in the course of your work. You don’t have to prove anyone was at fault in your accident. Your employer is required to carry workers compensation insurance. There is no reason you cannot take advantage of this if you are injured on the job.
This insurance will typically cover your medical expenses, lost wages and disability, both partial and permanent. Your benefits are limited because you have given up the right to bring a lawsuit for pain and suffering in exchange for a no hassle case and a quick claim.
Circumstances however, may dictate that you seek further damages. That is why you should always talk to a lawyer when you’re injured. They know exactly what your workers’ compensation rights are, and what goes beyond them. If you live in the Southern Florida area, the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld P.A will work with you to make sure your injury gets the attention it deserves. Be sure to contact Mr. Benenfeld today for experienced legal representation.
Image Source: Wikimedia
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