Almost every person who has a job commutes to work via some mode of transportation. While many people take the bus, bike, or walk, the majority of workers drive to their jobs. Unfortunately, traffic accidents typically occur during the morning and evening commute times, putting commuters and all employees at risk of being in a crash.
The safety of employees on the road — traveling to work and back home — should be just as equally important as employee job safety. Because employers need their employees to remain safe and injure-free, it is important that employers emphasize safe driving messages to their employees.
In light of Drive Safely Work Week, October 5-9, 2015, the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) launched a campaign theme to help improve the safety of employees on the road. This year’s theme, “Plan Ahead – Your Key to Driving Safely,” is a way for employers to talk with their workers about safe driving — both during work hours and non-work hours.
Because it is important to all drivers’ safety to prepare for their drive in advance, the campaign helps emphasize this message, which includes:
- Plan the best route, even everyday routine routes should be planned out.
- Plan a designated driver. Many workers go out for happy hour at the end of the work day and a designated driver should be arranged in advance.
- Prepare for driving roads that take you into unfamiliar areas. This includes looking at your navigation map or traffic patterns before leaving so you know what to expect.
- Drive with a clear head and no distractions. It’s easy for employees to take work home with them, but it can lead to a distracted driving accident.
- Recognize changes that occur due to aging such as delayed reflexes, vision issues, and other changes and seek help to stay as safe as possible on the road.
Hopefully, employees will take this message seriously so that needless traffic accidents will be reduced. However, many employees who drive safely and do their part to stay safe on the road are victims of other drivers’ negligent actions.
If you have been injured in a car accident as a result of someone else’s fault, you should seek legal advice and learn about your legal rights. For a free consultation with a knowledgeable accident attorney, contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 866-9 HELP NOW or (954) 677-0155(954) 677-0155 today.
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