Florida’s auto accident reports consistently identify tailgating as a key contributor to serious accidents. In fact, tailgating is the chief cause for most rear-ended auto accidents. For any conscientious Broward County resident that wants to avoid getting into an accident caused by tailgating, it seems logical to advise drivers to “Stop Tailgating!” There’s more. Read below.
The DMV highly recommends to allowing enough cushion space between your car and the one in front. Every driver uses a different gauge to measure how much time they need to react to an immediate stop. Certain catastrophic combinations make it difficult to avoid a tailgating accident. In these scenarios make sure to allow for at least four seconds between you and the car ahead of you by counting (one thousand-one, one thousand-two, one thousand-three, and one thousand-four!).
- If you are being tailgated do NOT brake suddenly! Irritated drivers often brake to send immediate signal to back off, but end up being the one getting injured.
- Let him pass. If someone is tailgating you allow space in front for him to pass. It’s not worth the hassle of fighting over first place.
- Follow 4-second rule, especially when behind a bus, large truck, or motorcycle.
- Be careful to not tailgate when either merging onto or exiting a freeway.
- If a tailgater makes an aggressive pass to cut you off, simply let off the gas; do NOT brake suddenly or swerve into another lane.
- Plan for double reaction time during rainy weather.
If you have a car accident involving tailgating and have been injured, it is vital that you seek quality support from a skilled Accident Attorney in Broward County who understands the emotional, medical, financial, and legal issues that are at hand.
Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld for a free legal consultation to receive the support you need. Call(561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515
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