“Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer,” Ted Williams once said. Despite the original, humerous intentions behind Williams’ comment, “good” batting averages and other stats would not even cover the bases of the successes of Adam Blomberg, son of popular Major League Baseball player Ron Blomberg. Ron, now 60, became the first designated hitter in the Major Leagues in 1973 and hit .329, making him the hero of every little league player in New York at the time. In the upcoming Joe DiMaggio Legends Game taking place at Fort Lauderdale Stadium, however, Ron Blomberg will witness something even more impressive than his 1970’s era stats: his son Adam, now recovered from a serious car accident, will be on the field with him as a player in the charity game (according to Ethan J. Skolnick of the Sun Sentinel online).
Following years of success as one of the top 10 in his class and as the track team captain in high school, a 1993 car accident severely injured young Blomberg. According to Skolnick, Adam was riding in the passenger side of a minivan that was pulling out of a gas station when it was struck on the driver’s side by another vehicle, spun, and ejected young Blomberg almost 40 feet from the van. Following the Florida auto accident, Adam treated for nine days at Memorial Regional Hospital (two of them spent in a coma) and underwent neurocognitive therapy after returning home. He is now a successful anesthesiologist and volunteers with automobile injury prevention programs, speaking to teenagers about safe and sober driving.
Sports Illustrated writer Ken Harrelson observed in 1976 that “baseball is the only sport . . . that when you’re on offense, the other team controls the ball.” Following a car accident, the last thing you want is the insurance company controlling the “ball” when you’re on “offense” making a claim to compensate for your injuries. If you have been injured in an auto accident and have questions for a personal injury attorney who knows how to recover the most compensation from insurance companies, please feel free to give us a call. We handle auto accident cases in Sunrise, Fort Lauderdale, and throughout the state of Florida, and we will answer your questions for free. (561) 960-5515(561) 960-5515
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