A seizure is defined as uncontrolled electrical activity within the brain.
Our brains communicate by sending and receiving electrical signals. When those signals begin to misfire, or dysfunction, then a seizure may occur. Seizure disorder or epilepsy is a condition diagnosed to individuals that have had at least two seizures.
Depending on the individual’s symptoms and response to treatments, an individual may qualify for disability benefits from seizure disorders. The SSDI classifies seizure disorders as convulsive epilepsy or non-convulsive epilepsy.
Convulsive Epilepsy Symptoms
A gran mal seizure will set the body into convulsions affecting the entire body. They may begin with a sudden cry, fall, rigidity, jerking limbs, difficulty breathing, and possible loss of bladder and bowel control. The episode usually lasts for a few minutes and is followed by a period of extreme fatigue.
Non-convulsive Epilepsy Symptoms
People who have small, petit mal seizures, may appear like they are daydreaming or perhaps even inebriated. In that case, the individual may be aware of his surroundings, but be unable to respond.
Seizure Disorders Qualify for Social Security
Seizure disorder disability benefits will be awarded to South Florida residents based on their ability to work. There are three basics that claimants should have before considering pursuing a case:
- prescription of anti-seizure medication
- comply by taking the medication exactly as prescribed
- proof that the seizures continue even while taking the meds
In order to qualify for disability, two requirements below must be met:
1. For convulsive epilepsy, the attacks must occur more than once a month, while adhering to at least three months of prescribed treatment. It is essential that the episodes occur while religiously taking prescribed medications.
Note: If the seizures occur during the day, then loss of consciousness and convulsions must also be well documented. If they occur during the night, one must show that the seizures interfere with an individual’s ability to perform his or her work duties the following day. This will require a written testimony from a witness.
2. For non-convulsive epilepsy, the attacks must occur more than once a week, while adhering to at least three months of prescribed treatment.
Note: The seizures must be accompanied by either loss of consciousness, confusion, or interfere with the individual’s daily work duties.
Evidence of Seizure Disorder
Achieving the results you want in a South Florida seizure disorder disability case requires evidence of your seizure disorder. For example, to demonstrate that you comply with the prescribed medication, you may need blood work tests proving just that. There also needs to be written statements from eyewitnesses who have observed your seizures.
It is important to talk with an experienced South Florida Social Security disability attorney who can help you prepare your paperwork to get the results you are looking for.
The Law Office of David Benenfeld can help you with your South Florida disability claim. Call for a free legal consultation and book: (954) 677-0155. Can’t Work? Maneuvering the Social Security Disability Claim’s Maze.
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