Over 235,000 auto accidents occur within the state of Florida every year. From those auto accidents, an injury results nearly every time. Almost 200,000 injuries and over 2,000 fatalities are sustained from car accidents. While the state may boast that car crash fatalities have decreased over two percent within the last year, well over 645 accidents occur every day.
Driver error usually accounts for most auto accidents. Florida’s DMV point out that careless drivers tend to be distracted either by the use of alcohol, cell phones, or by being ill prepared for dangerous traffic and road conditions that lie ahead. Hazardous road conditions account for a significant amount of serious auto accidents. The list below describes different types of dangerous road conditions that frequently cause Broward County auto accidents.
Florida Dangerous Road Conditions
Faulty Road Design. Defective road design can cause serious car accident injuries. Local, state, and federal governments are expected to design safe roads. Poorly designed roads include those which tend to have puddles due to poor drainage, improperly marked warning signs, inadequate guardrails, steep drop-off shoulders, and insufficient signs at intersections. Other examples of faulty road designs include dangerous curves, dips, and obstruction to driver visibility, such as trees and shrubs.
Flawed Road Construction. Defective construction can cause serious car accident injuries. Construction workers may fail to accurately follow design plans or use substandard materials. Poorly constructed roads are not meant to take the stress and strain of trucks, trailers, and vehicles. Errors in road construction can lead to life threatening car crashes.
Mediocre Road Maintenance. When roadways are neglected, auto accident incidence increases. If the local governments only offer mediocre maintenance, such as insufficient road surfacing, then potholes inevitably develop. Often, signs, guardrails, and painted road lines are not maintained. Also, if there is failure to respond to a known dangerous condition, such as a road spill or obstruction, then Florida auto accidents are more likely to occur.
Dangerous Intersections. Over 30% of all auto accidents occur within an intersection. Worse yet, over 40% of car crash fatalities occur in intersections. Most people are prone to blame the driver’s distraction for intersection auto accidents, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes the speed limit was improperly placed, and drivers are not given sufficient warning to reduce their speed. Other times, physical obstructions may prevent clear vision, traffic signals may be ill-timed, and poor traffic flow can each be attributed to causing car accidents in intersections.
Auto accidents aren’t always the driver’s fault. To adequately examine the cause of an auto accident, it is imperative to seek the expert advice from an individual who is trained to examine possible reasons for the accident. For accident investigation and help pursuing an auto accident claim, call a skilled Broward County personal injury lawyer. The Law Offices of David Benenfeld is here to help. For or a free legal consultation and book call today: (954) 677-0155(954) 677-0155.
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