Truck and car drivers frequently fail to pay attention to motorcyclists. When drivers neglect to obey traffic safety laws, they often place motorcycle riders at high risk for serious accident injuries. Motorcycle accidents are known for causing severe injuries such as amputations, paralysis, brain trauma, and even death. While broken bones may not be considered as life-threatening or serious, they are still astoundingly common, painful, and often life-changing.
Many motorcyclists who sustain broken bones are left with incomplete healing, long-term effects, disfigurement, as well as psychological effects from trauma of the accident. Victims of South Florida motorcycle accidents also face medical expenses, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and lost wages that go on for months and even years.
Most Common Types of Broken Bones Caused by Motorcycle Accidents
- Broken Arm
- Broken Hand
- Broken Leg
- Broken Clavicle
- Broken Ribs
- Fractured Femur
- Fractured Hip
- Fractured Pelvis
Treatment for Broken Bones Caused by Motorcycle Accidents
Due to an increase in motorcycle drivers, Florida motorcyclists are twice as likely to become injured in accidents than those living in other states. In comparison to the other driver, a motorcyclist is easily injured due to the lack of protection.
Even if motorcyclists wear helmets, the force of the collision causes serious injuries that impact a rider’s ability to return to a normal work and personal life. Motorcycle accidents are notorious for causing broken and fractured bones to the hand, wrist, elbow, arm, knee, hip, leg, and jaw. Healthcare treatment expenses typically include a stressful and laborious path of recovery.
Broken Bone Recovery Costs
- Ambulance Cost
- Emergency Treatment
- Medical Equipment
- Crutches/Braces
- Multiple Surgeries
- Medication Expenses
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
Motorcyclists who sustain fractures and broken bones frequently develop difficulties managing pain and arthritis, even after undergoing surgery and therapy. When a car-motorcycle accident causes riders broken bones they often face the reality of ultimately being dismissed from their job by their employer.
Get Help!
Broward County motorcyclists pay a high price for their freedom, often resulting in serious injury such as paralysis and head trauma or death. Because motorcycles don’t provide the safety and security of seat belts, air bags, insulation, and structure of an automobile, they are incredibly vulnerable to mistakes made by other drivers. We’re used to blaming the motorcyclist, but in actuality, more than 2/3 of Florida motorcycle accidents are caused by the driver of the other vehicle.
If you have been in a motorcycle accident in South Florida and sustained a serious injury of any type, it is important to talk with an experienced South Florida Motorcycle Accident Attorney. Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld to find out what your legal rights are and how to receive help. Call: (954) 677-0155 to meet with a skilled Broward County Motorcycle Accident Attorney that specializes in broken bones.
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