In today’s rough economy, some Broward County residents have found it near impossible to keep up with their monthly auto insurance premiums. So what happens to Florida motorists who cannot afford car insurance?
As a resident of the state of Florida, drivers are required to carry proof of insurance and prove that they are capable of taking financial responsibility for any accident by which they or their car are involved. Some drivers think they do not need to carry insurance if they are not driving their vehicles. But according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FDHSMV), uninsured motorists face severe driving restrictions, which may last up to three years.
Florida’s Auto Insurance Requirements
The FDHSMV requires owners of vehicles to have proof of liability coverage that is detailed below. Drivers of cars, trucks, and other vehicles must have personal liability insurance to protect against endless costs involved in traffic accidents.
1. Financial Responsibility Law. For accidents caused by oneself the law requires drivers to carry a minimum of:
a) $10,000 of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) for one person
b) $20,000 of Bodily Injury Liability for two or more individuals
c) $10,000 of Property Damage Liability per crash
d) $30,000 of combined single limits
2. No Fault Law. In Florida, motorists are not required to prove that the accident was not their fault in order to collect compensation for damages. Motorists may collect reimbursement for medical bills and lost wages, but not property damages. No fault insurance may help to cover medical costs that are not covered by medical insurance such as co-pays, doctor fees, and other similar expenses. While Florida motorists are not required to carry bodily injury coverage, collision insurance, or uninsured motorist coverage, they are given the option and encouraged to do so when fiscally feasible.
Personal Injury Protection policies provide the motorist reimbursement for medical expenses, even as a passenger in another motorist’s vehicle. PIP also provides reimbursement of medical costs when the driver is proven to be at fault. Motorists who need to lower their monthly premiums are given the option of a $1,000 deductible by the state of Florida.
If you have been involved in a Broward County auto accident, it is highly likely that you sustained serious injuries from a life-threatening experience. Once more, if the other motorist was uninsured and found at fault, it is vital to speak with a qualified attorney.
It is important to talk with an experienced South Florida Auto Accident Attorney that understands specific injuries sustained from accidents and what coverages are available. Your attorney can help you prepare your paperwork to get the results you are looking for. Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld to find out what your legal rights are and how to receive help. Call: (954) 677-0155(954) 677-0155 to meet with a skilled Auto Accident Attorney.
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